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Nightingale NJ Eldercare Navigators offer assistance with:

Life Management

What matters to you matters to us. Our goal is to ensure that older adults live at their desired level of independence. Our Eldercare Navigators help keep life simple by guiding you in making proactive, purposeful decisions aimed toward that goal. We meet with you to find out what’s important to you, and complete a series of need-based assessments. We then create short- and long-term care strategies that affirm your values, maximize your strengths, and facilitate your independence.


Change is inevitable but not uncontrollable. Our Eldercare Navigators are skilled at navigating transitions. We will help explore housing options, open communication with family members, and manage conflict. Our goal is crisis prevention, but should a crisis arise, our on-call service ensures we are at your side for the duration.

Memory Care

What is a serious memory problem, and when is it time to get help? Our Eldercare Navigators are experts in assessing cognitive deficits and behavior changes to distinguish between problems such as dementia, depression and delirium. We work with physicians, family members, and caregivers to streamline services and keep the individual with memory loss safe, while honoring their individuality and dignity.

Our unbiased, independent point of view eliminates uncertainty and offers peace of mind that the best possible care is being provided.


Accompaniment to Appointments

Our unbiased, independent point of view eliminates uncertainty and offers peace of mind that the best possible care is being provided.

We attend medical appointments, liaise between health providers, client, and family, and ensure that any changes are implemented right away.

Bill Pay Assistance/Referral

Paying bills can be overwhelming, and seniors are vulnerable to financial exploitation and fraud. Let us pair you with someone competent and trustworthy to handle your bills.


We keep family members and professionals informed as to the well-being and changing needs of the client.

Conflict Resolution

We help family members find common ground when they are in disagreement with the client or one another.

Decision Making

When the right direction is unclear, we advise with clinical expertise, professional experience, and one bias only: the client’s best interest.


We provide information on federal and state entitlements, and connect client and families to local programs.

Home Health Referrals

We determine types of at-home services needed, help select home care providers, and supervise those services.

Home Safety Assessment

We assess and help to optimize the home for the physical security and comfort of the client.

Housing Options

We help evaluate and select appropriate level and type of alternate housing or residential options.

Legal/Financial Referrals

We refer to and consult with elder law attorneys, financial advisors, accountants, Medicaid consultants, bill pay services, and insurance professionals.

Medication Review/Management

Studies show that 28% of hospitalizations of the elderly are medication related. We will complete a thorough medication assessment and put systems in place to avoid medication errors.

Nursing and Psychosocial Assessment

A holistic assessment is essential in creating a careplan based on the client’s health and consistent with client preferences.

On-Call Services

Our available on-call service provides immediate crisis assistance and intervention. The service helps to decrease emergency room admissions and off-hours calls to physicians.


Through constant contact and visits we monitor the client’s progress, assess for any changes that can be addressed proactively, and keep family in the loop.


We consolidate the client’s wishes and health needs into a comprehensive care plan, easily understood and implemented by family and professional caregivers.

Social Activities

We connect the client with opportunities to engage in social, recreational, or cultural activities that enrich their quality of life.

Support Services Assessment

We can recommend and coordinate transportation, handymen, house cleaners, meal delivery, etc.

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