
You can stop re-explaining
We know your background. Unlike traditional case managers, who manage specific health events, we are by your side through the years–with an eye on the big picture.

You can stop researching.
You will have the benefit of our own extensive experience, built over years of service to the New Jersey area, with the most trusted and appropriate local providers.

You can rest assured.
We are Aging Life Care Association members. You are assured of our experience, professional credentials, and our adherence to the ALCA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

Your life is simplified.
Having one point of contact for all services ensures quality control, compliance to your care plan across all disciplines and minimizes the miscommunications that happen in the game of “telephone.”

You have a safety net.
We are experienced clinical providers. We monitor carefully for signs of changing conditions and needs, and respond quickly to minimize any traumatic events.

Your family can turn to us.
We are experts in family dynamics. We facilitate family meetings to solicit input and concerns, and to avert caregiver burnout. We are boots on the ground for out-of-town family.

You have an independent, unbiased, trustworthy, long term ally
You save money.
This atmosphere of trust engenders confidence, cooperation, compliance, and peace of mind for all parties involved.

You save money.
We help to avoid costly errors and missed communications. We detect small changes before they balloon into something unmanageable. We steer you clear of various pitfalls within the healthcare system.